Retiring to the lake and enjoying the views. Sounds great doesn’t it? Some people have a dream to own some land in a recreational type community and...
LANDTHINK is part of the LANDFLIP network of sites and brings together the various components of the land industry and provides knowledge and information to land investors, owners and professionals to create a stronger land marketplace. Get land smart!
I am sure everyone has heard over and over the saying location, location, location when it comes to real estate. That may hold especially true for...
As land professionals we wear many hats when promoting properties and one of my favorite hats to wear is Rural America Promoter.
Have you ever driven by a piece of property and thought…that used to be farmland..or I should have bought that twenty or thirty years ago when it was...
The old adage that cash is king in real estate transactions has probably has been truer over the last few years than ever before due to tight credit...
Driving down the road you see a Land for Sale sign. You stop, pull in, look at the sign and then since there is no gate you just pull on in off the...
The news headlines have been a real treat for landowners these past few months. Tracking news about the land industry has become increasingly easier...
Considering conservation buffers on your land? The USDA has 250,000 or more buffer contracts with about 160,000 farms and ranches.
There has been a lot of buzz lately about the land market. Parts of Iowa have experienced skyrocketing values in cropland; recreational land markets...
A conversation with Curtis Seltzer, Columnist for and Author of How to Be a Dirt-Smart Buyer of Country Property about the success seen...