Not all ranches are created equal. There are many Americans that dream of living the ranch life, however, actually owning and operating a full-on...
Buying Land
Are you new to buying land or investing in land? Maybe you already own land as an investment. Learn about Self Directed IRAs, 1031 Exchanges, taxes, negotiating, making offers, contracts, financing, farmland, timberland investing and more. Get land smart!
“Well how many acres actually make up this property?” If you have looked at more than about 5 parcels of land, you have no doubt come across a...
Investors make, or don’t make, decisions on how to allocate capital and other resources based on their understanding of the current situation.
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election released the night owls in my iPhone. Once the election results were in, the emails started stacking up at 3 a.m...
As a recreational land buyer, one of the first questions you should ask is simple yet extremely important: How much land should you be looking for?
There are many advantages to purchasing land with an IRA or other retirement plan. Most people know about the tax benefits associated with IRA...
Some markets are more important than others for timberland investors and forest managers. While timberland owners sell logs to mills that make poles...
The decision to move to the country is a big one. Having more space for the kids, the peace and quiet or the lower cost of home prices may seem like...
Forecasting has achieved a somewhat mystical status. This is undeserved. High dependence on a third party forecast is simply an exercise in...
For recreational property buyers, both the quality and type of wildlife on a property are extremely important, whether you are looking to hunt on the...