The number of people who are contemplating relocating to rural areas so they can live “off-grid” is increasing.
Buying Land
Are you new to buying land or investing in land? Maybe you already own land as an investment. Learn about Self Directed IRAs, 1031 Exchanges, taxes, negotiating, making offers, contracts, financing, farmland, timberland investing and more. Get land smart!
A typical pattern of land division in rural areas is for property to be divided among children following the death of their parents.
In order to get the best deal when investing in rural land, you need to be able to act quickly when an opportunity presents itself.
Two real-estate-investing strategies -- buy and hold, and buy low; sell high -- have worked well for many different types of investors in different...
Barry Gittleman, Vice President for Strategy and Land at John Wieland Homes, works for a major residential developer who has built more than 30,000...
On Thursday, May 6th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell almost 1,000 points, a little more than nine percent, in 16 minutes, and no one knows why.
Every once in a while a media light shines on a leafy corner of the investment world, and the observer says, “My, my. Who knew?”
Not many of my friends know that I run a financial powerhouse called Goldman Seltzer Group Inc. One division sells bow-wow loans before they start...
Parties who have polar-opposite interests easily endorse the value of balance in land-use planning policies. Everyone wants to strike a balance...
Are you sitting at home bored, and need something constructive to fill up your time? Buy a piece of rural land and there will never be a shortage of...