1. Copy of the seller’s deed with the boundary description. This description may be found in an earlier deed, which is referenced in the seller’s...
Buying Land
Are you new to buying land or investing in land? Maybe you already own land as an investment. Learn about Self Directed IRAs, 1031 Exchanges, taxes, negotiating, making offers, contracts, financing, farmland, timberland investing and more. Get land smart!
Many more Americans own corporate stock than rural land. Why do we invest in stock, which is risky, rather than land, which is not?
SELLERS! Would you like to unload your house faster and for more than you expect? That, in rough terms, is what home stagers promise. My farmhouse...
1. County Clerk. This individual may have a different title, but the job is essentially the same from state to state.
Prices of almost all types of rural real estate will rise steadily in the foreseeable future. Rates of appreciation will vary, according to where the...
1. Acres. How many acres will the seller convey to you, physically on the ground and legally in his deed?
1. Don’t make a deal on your first visit. Don’t buy impulsively. Don’t make an offer before scoping the property.
Finding a reasonably priced hunting tract can be harder than finding a 12-point buck, but it can be done.
Country property means dirt, or, if you prefer, soils. Most buyers visiting a rural property for the first time look at the view, setting and...
Buying property is one of life’s big decisions, almost as important as choosing a spouse and a little less important than a cell phone.