Buying Land

Farmland Goes Mainstream

Farmland Goes Mainstream

During the last ten plus years that I have been receiving the magazine from the National Association of Realtors I do not ever remember an entire article devoted to land and specifically farmland. For the most part rural land such as cropland, hunting land, ranchland or pasture is left out as a category in real estate industry news. So it was a pleasant surprise to open this month’s issue and see the article called Farm Land Rush – Are prices too high? Are there still opportunities to invest? Experts weigh in.

The credit for this article should go to the Realtors Land Institute for promoting land ownership and their organization of real estate land professionals. More networking groups, state chapters and land listing websites are popping up all the time. While most of that may be good there are some rumblings that farmland is headed for a bubble just like every other real estate category did a few years ago. While a general slowdown of values can certainly happen in the foreseeable future most experts agree that a total crash is not expected in land values.

The sheer volume of news articles that have focused on farmland investing in the last year is overwhelming to say the least. After following farmland values for nearly twenty years and only running across farmland investing in the mainstream media maybe only once in a blue moon it is amazing to see Google alerts sending a handful of mentions every day now. The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and nearly every local newspaper in a rural farming epicenter has run articles about farmland prices and values and the topic of investing in farmland. Even Wall Street jumped in and articles about farmland investment funds were reviewed in investor publications.

That is great you are probably thinking. It may be – only time will tell. However, one thing is for certain at least in our area the amount of farmland that is available for sale is probably half of what it was a few years ago. Farmers are holding on to what they have and gobbling up anything they can that is adjoining their property to expand their operations. Many times farmland never sees the open market as neighbors will go to neighbors first or land will be passed from one generation to the next. For the most part the transfer process happens without any potential buyers ever knowing the land changed hands. That makes it rather difficult for the average investor to purchase farmland.

However, one sector that is becoming popular with individual investors is ultra-small tracts that may be in a future development area. These parcels are usually less than 40 acres but are still being actively farmed in crops. The land is usually still zoned agriculture and providing an income but the land is also located in a growing area. Having been involved in these types of sales more over the last few years it has been a beneficial transaction economically to both buyers and sellers. The sellers (usually retiring farmers) need to sell and they can receive a great price for their farmland. The buyers in turn end up with an income producing property that is being taxed as agricultural land not development land and then the buyer also has the potential for more future profits when they eventually sell.

So while farmland investing may be mainstream media now; really, nothing has changed, it is still just farmers making food from the land.

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LANDTHINK is part of the LANDFLIP network of sites and brings together the various components of the land industry and provides knowledge and information to land investors, owners and professionals to create a stronger land marketplace. Get land smart!


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  • You are so right about farmland getting much more publicity these days. In the end I hope it is good for farmers.

    I want the farmers to make all of the money they possibly can. It would be great if they got paid like rock stars or pro athletes.

    Commodity prices look like they will be strong for the near future. I hope the government gets out of the ethanol business in 2012, so feed prices will return to something sustainable for farms.

    You’re right, only time will tell.

    • Had to laugh at Jonathan’s reference to “Rock Stars” made me think of the days with my GrandDad picking up rocks in a field after he plowed it.

  • Land is a big part of what we list, sell. I grew up on and own a 300 acre Maine farm and land is under everything. Houses, homes are not the only flavor of real estate but 8 our of 10 people live in the city, urban areas so it is easy to not be in touch with land values.

    • Andrew,
      Having grown up on it, owned it and sold it, you are most in touch with Maine farmland and land values.
      Best Wishes,

  • Marisa there isn’t much more difficult work in the world than clearing new ground, especially in a rocky area. I’ve done it, and picked up truck loads of sticks, stumps, trash, and rocks. I guess that is why there are so many rock wall fences in parts of the country. That way you found a use for all of the rocks you didn’t want to throw out after you picked them all up.

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