At the recent LANDTHINK Summit, a broker asked me what seemed like a simple question at first hearing: “Should the seller/seller’s broker show a...
Selling Land
Are you selling your land? Learn the ins and outs of selling land, pricing, technology, owner financing and how to market your land. Get land smart!
At the 2010 Landthink Summit, Coach Bobby Bowden challenged the audience to be “problem solvers”. He pointed out that our business is to help our...
There are pockets scattered over the state where the market seems to be doing fairly well. There are still micro-markets where there is a demand for...
September 30, 2010 was a landmark day for those in the rural land business. Over 250 land professionals gathered in Atlanta to discuss the current...
Every so often I get fed up with having sellers play “hide the ball” with buyers, including me.
"Who should I list my land with?" is a question I was asked this week by an owner in Mississippi.
J. Craig King, president and CEO of J.P. King Auction Company in Gadsden, Ala., believes that property auctions can help get rural real estate moving.
Earlier this month I attended my first absolute auction of rural land which was held in Perry County, Alabama. Target Auction Company, of Birmingham...
If I could impart two pieces of simple wisdom to landowners about increasing your odds of selling your property they would be: (first) price your...
Buried on an inside page of Thursday’s Wall Street Journal (January 14, 2010) was a headline that snagged my jaded eye: “What Home Sellers Don’t Tell...