The seller’s asking price is one step in the sell-buy process that either encourages or discourages buyers from submitting a...
Selling Land
Are you selling your land? Learn the ins and outs of selling land, pricing, technology, owner financing and how to market your land. Get land smart!
The devaluation in real-estate values that began in metropolitan areas in 2007 with over-valued residential properties is starting to roll into the...
I know of two separate sellers, each of whom is marketing a tract of more than 5,000 acres. Each is priced at about $1,500/A. I think fair value for...
No one likes getting kicked in the teeth. Particularly, repeatedly. That’s how Americans feel this week as the sinking economy flails about, dragging...
I’m trying to figure something out: With rural property showing for-sale signs rusting in place, why haven’t sellers lowered asking prices and...
I looked at a small wooded tract a couple of weeks ago. Before visiting, I asked the seller if he had a deed that he could send me so that I could...
Among the countless problems that can occur during the “sale pending” period of a land transaction, a survey is at the top of the list. Along with...
Conservation easements vary a lot, although all are supposed to serve some public interest. Some are sold, but most are donated. They are usually...
While large American newspapers are losing readers, cutting staff and scraping by on fewer advertising dollars, they’re expanding in one area...
Words mean as much in selling real estate as they do in selling a Presidential candidate. Every campaign -- whether in politics or property -- spins...