Recently, our brokerage offered some hunting land in Alabama for sale at a below-market price (at the owner’s request). The property being...
Selling Land
Are you selling your land? Learn the ins and outs of selling land, pricing, technology, owner financing and how to market your land. Get land smart!
Talk about the economy is everywhere in the news these days, so if you’re thinking about buying recreational property, you may be wondering if this...
If done correctly, buying rural land at a relatively low price and selling at a higher price can be an excellent vehicle for wealth accumulation if...
Landlocked property can be confusing to first-time land buyers and a nightmare for landowners to sell. The term landlocked is used to describe a...
Owner financing is a type of real estate agreement between buyers and sellers that operates like a mortgage but without a third-party lender. The...
Selling your land is complex and time-consuming and can also be emotionally challenging, especially if you’ve never done it before. So if...
As you can imagine, rural land agents field quite a few questions every day and many are regarding the value of a property. We hear comments such as...
If you are thinking about selling your rural land, don’t get overconfident. No matter how vibrant the real estate market is, selling your...
Selling rural land isn’t as straightforward as it seems. It can be challenging, even in a hot market. If you are planning on selling your land...
“Which mapping software do you use?” This question comes up a lot when I am out showing land, and the people sitting next to me in the Ranger like...