Buying Land

Y2K-2.0? The Ultimate Practical Guide to Surviving the Unexpected

Y2K-2.0? The Ultimate Practical Guide to Surviving the Unexpected
Photo by Matt Hicks,

Remember December 31st, 1999?  That was the day before Y2K – and much of the nation was concerned about dates resetting on all things electronic, coffeemakers that wouldn’t work – or the end of the world! My neighbor was planning to leave his isolated, private old farm home, and take his 6 children and wife “on the road” in the family van. Where he planned to go, I have no idea.

Since then, we’ve experienced the 911 attack, and two wars with a third underway in Libya. Our government is on the verge of a major shutdown, a reduced credit rating, and possible economic disaster in the form of devaluation of our currency coupled with major inflation.

To say we’re living in uncertain times is a slight understatement. So what’s your plan B?

Recently I was privileged to meet a unique and extremely knowledgeable individual by the name of Joel SkousenGoogle his name, and you’ll see his extensive background related to a very effective “Plan B”.

Who is Joel Skousen? He’s a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. He is active in consulting with persons needing to relocate for security and increased self-sufficiency. He also assists people who need to live near a large city to develop contingency retreat plans involving rural farm or recreation property. To understand Joel further, consider his two insightful books: The Secure Home and Strategic Relocation.

In The Secure Home, Joel shares some very innovative ideas and plans for building a home that can withstand virtually any threat, from daily home protection to marauding mobs bent on murder and mayhem to nuclear war.

In this book, he describes in detail how to make a home bulletproof, how to defend against intruders, and the importance of having a “safe room”. He even goes into detail about how to create an escape exit or “rabbit hole” – a secondary exit route from the home that is undetectable from the outside.

In Strategic Relocation, Joel prepares readers for the ultimate life-changing event – a move to an “undisclosed location” capable of providing total family self-sufficiency in a defensible geographic location away from civilization.

This book describes various scenarios in which Americans might find themselves in the event of a total breakdown of society or the U.S. economic system, a catastrophic earthquake, or surviving a nuclear attack. The book even suggests certain strategic areas of the U.S. that can best be defended, and that offer climate, location, and isolation from a potentially desperate and starving population intent on surviving at all costs. Lists in this book include the safest cities, the most dangerous cities, states with no sales tax, the most economical states, and semi-secure mid-size cities. There is also a complete section on foreign relocation possibilities and over 200 pages of individual analysis of every state and province in Canada and North America. The new color maps show military and other threats, population density in cities, satellite images of terrain features, and private vs. public land availability.

Now, if you’re thinking this is some radical, extremist material, I assure you it is not. These two books are packed with well-researched, practical ideas and plans that, should the unthinkable occur, could provide displaced families with the steps necessary to survive and be available to help rebuild their cherished way of life.

How does this book relate to “land”? The author has thoroughly researched and identified specific areas of the U.S. that are well-suited to an unexpected relocation. Expand your knowledge level of the two topics covered by Mr. Skousen – become informed beyond your normal comfort levels. You won’t be disappointed!

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About the author

Paul Christian Breden

Paul Christian Breden is a practicing North Carolina & Virginia land broker with 40+ years experience. His company, Mountain Land Company, sells only raw mountain land over 50 acres in 10 counties in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Paul has authored scores of magazine articles and hundreds of newspaper columns on buying and selling real estate, including “Carolina Dreaming – Finding and Buying Mountain Land!” – a practical guidebook for land buyers.

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  • The eve of Y2K was my 24th birthday, so I do remember that. You’ve got me curious. I may pick up a copy of Strategic Relocation. Thanks for introducing us to this man’s work.

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